Just right now

27. mars 2014

Our boats

Our lovely boats are soon ready for this year’s regatta season. Eight new aluminum masts will arrive in Bergen during the first week of May and will be tested in the regatta on May 13th. In addition there will be a lot of new sails, both mains and jibs. Twenty two jibs in all will be arriving specially to be used for the first time under IKC. The fleet in Bergen have never been better, so this will be a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing many Knarr friends here in August.

10 latest registrations

USA 125

Jonathan Perkins

Bergens Seilforening

NOR 144

Bjørn Ole Raknes

NOR 130

Nils Petter Haugfos

Bergens Seilforening

NOR 143

Johan G Hvide

USA 140

Sean Svendsen

Oslo Seilforening

NOR 145

Erik Berg

DEN 92

Bengt Burg

Kongelig Norsk Seilforening

NOR 138

Morten Heldal Haugerud

DEN 90

Lars Gottfredsen

USA 104

Chris Kelly


Last updated: 2024-06-10 01:14:42Cache read