Piquet & Belts
20. april 2023
Please use the "Orderform" in the meny "For Participants" - not the VIPPS!
Sorry for the confusion. Please use this form to order your Shetland Race Piquet and belts. You will be invoiced along with the entry-fee. The VIPPS solution does not provide us with the details required to execute your order.
Please call 95148877 or send email til lars@sportspartner.no if you have any questions related to your order!
10 nyeste påmeldinger
152301 3743
NOR 15846sb
152131 3743
NOR 10545sb
152099 3743
NOR 7355sb
152097 3743
SWE 22sb
NOR 9701sb
Inge André Utåker
NOR 9095sb
Guttorm Guttormsen
NOR 7871sb
Terje Sætre
NOR 7355sb
Tor Kramvik Sivertsen
NOR 6874sb
Jon Hardie
SWE 22sb
Paul Nord